Pakistani classical movie ‘Anjuman’ will be made again by Geo Television Network. Imran Abbas will play the role of legendary actor Waheed Murad, Sara Loren (previously known as Mona Lizza) will play the role of Rani and Sabiha Khanam role will be played by Iffat Rahim.
Director and actor Yasir Nawaz is directing the film. The film shooting was completed within one month. The duration of the movie is 120 minutes. The names of the charcters of the previous film are same in this film. However story has been updated.
Anjuman classical movie was released in 1970 starring Waheed Murad, Rani, Deeba, Santosh Kumar, Sabiha Khanam and Lehri. Anjuman won eight Nigar awards in the categories of best film, best director, best musician, best lyricist, best playback female singer, best editor, best art director and best comedian. Hassan Tariq directed the blockbuster movie and Safdar Masud was producer of the movie.